Last Sunday, October 25, Wingo launched its new route between Bogotá and Cali. The flight landed at 10:40 in the morning at the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón Airport with 173 passengers.
Initially the airline planned five weekly flights, but due to strong demand, Wingo announced that in December will operate daily flights. Tickets starts at USD 13.
#VuelosNacionales | Le damos la bienvenida a la nueva ruta de @wingo que a partir de hoy comienza a conectar al Valle del Cauca con la capital del país a través de cinco frecuencias semanales operadas desde y hacia el @alfonsobonillaaragon. @TurismoValle
— Aeropuerto Alfonso Bonilla Aragón (@aerocali) October 25, 2020
“We know that, in this new reality, Colombia needs flights not only with high standards of safety and punctuality but at really low prices. This is key for the reactivation of the economy and it is precisely the commitment that Wingo has made with the country «, said Carolina Cortizo, Wingo CEO. «We continue to reaffirm that commitment to provide any need for air connectivity that the country requires and we demonstrate it with the addition of these two new routes to our destination network», she added.
Wingo will also start to fly between Bogota and Medellin on December 4, and between Bogota and Santa Marta on December 14.
Recently the airline added a fifth Boeing 737-800 to its fleet from its parent holding, Copa Airlines.
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